Personal Coach & Referral Network
Building Wealth & Supporting Communities

We coach and connect "regular folks" to resources they can use to improve the quality of their lives, which includes building their personal wealth. We coach people from "broke," to solvent, to financial, and even spiritual, wellbeing and freedom. In other words, room to finally breathe and enjoy life...We also maintain a network of referral sources for supporting other businesses and encouraging the people in their communities. Why? Because EVERYONE, regardless of socio-economic background, has a right to resources (including information), that provide opportunities for building and improving their lives. To gather, "Little by Little," refers to starting with little, and taking small realistic steps that build towards realistic goals.
My service in law enforcement, Christian ministry, and an awesome marriage (each for nearly 30 years), has cemented my commitment to continue serving others. As high school sweet hearts, my wife and I have learned the value of trust, commitment, dedication, hard work, proper planning, sacrifice, and team work. Guided by our love, and seasoned by our faith, we have developed skills we use to enjoy our lives and fulfill our dreams. Ours is an experience with doing much, little by little. Like an experienced mountain climber, success and progress is achieved one small and calculated step (then one small reach), after another. During the past two decades, we've purchased homes and lived in various places around this great nation and have traveled to exotic places throughout this wonderful world. We are happy and free, which gives us peace and joy. Most importantly, we did not wait until we had "more money than we needed," to pursue happiness and freedom. We simply developed, then implemented our unique plan. So, why wait or put your dreams off any further? As the old adage goes, "Live your best life, now!"
How WE Can
Help You